Media Publications
Becoming the second Silicon Valley by Petya Minkova, 168 hours newspaper
A SUPERCOMPUTING center of 26 trillion operations per second is to be built in Bulgaria. There are only 12 such centers in Europe. In Bulgaria, it will unite the efforts of physicists, genetics, physicians, chemists, pharmacists, and computer specialists. The complex is to be used for an early finding of mutated genes and molecules and their impact on the human organism.
Creating new medicines with supercomputers by Petya Minkova, 168 hours newspaper
It is hard to believe, but in Brussels’ order our Scientists are already in search of new medicines with the help of one of the most powerful computers in the world. Finding a suitable substance to fight the disease has been dramatically reduced with the supercomputer.
Creating new medicines for incurable and lethal diseases on a molecular and cellular level is a long and expensive process. The time for search, synthesis, and clinical tests takes between 12 and 15 years. Expenses vary from US$ 600 to 800 million, as practice so far shows. The result being, those medicine prices are constantly rising which becomes a dead-weight for the health insurance funds in the EU.
A SUPERCOMPUTING center of 26 trillion operations per second is to be built in Bulgaria. There are only 12 such centers in Europe. In Bulgaria, it will unite the efforts of physicists, genetics, physicians, chemists, pharmacists, and computer specialists. The complex is to be used for an early finding of mutated genes and molecules and their impact on the human organism.
In Search for a universal cure for flu by Petya Minkova, 168 hours newspaper
Scientists from the Institute of Molecular Biology perform a unique study with the Bulgarian supercomputer to find out similar sections in the genome of tens of thousands of flu strains. The discovery could aid the creation of a new type of vaccine or cure to attack precisely these sections. “The virus is mutating as its genome is constantly mutating,” says Professor Ivan Ivanov from the Molecular Biology Institute at the BAS.
“That’s why there are so many strains, mutating even within a single infected patient. Most probably, there is a ‘tolerance threshold’ for the virus and, once it is overrun, the virus ceases to exist as a strain. But there are genome sections that are vital to the virus and they never mutate Their mutation is expected to be lethal for the virus,” says the Professor.
New Generation of no side-effect vaccines by Petya Minkova, 168 hours newspaper
Our scientists in cooperation with their colleagues from all over the world are looking for new generation vaccines, the so-called peptide vaccines, which do not have the side effects of the existing vaccines. They will successfully prevent viral infections, fungal, and bacterial diseases and will fight tumors. Peptide vaccines contain only those parts of the foreign protein which are responsible for the identification of the microbe from the human organism. The least the protein component in a vaccine is, the least probable the allergic reactions it may cause are. Immunologists are fond of saying that the human organisms may cope with every infection on its own, as long as it succeeds in identifying the cause. Vaccines train the organism to identify the foreign body. Many of these new peptide vaccines are already in a stage of clinical trials, i.e. they have already been tested on humans.
The Rise of Machines: Supercomputers Are Getting Smarter and Start resembling Human Mind by Hristo Petkov, Capital Weekly newspaper
In 2008 Bulgaria had its own supercomputer, which is so far used mainly by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences scientists in their projects and by specialists from the major Bulgarian universities.
The secret of the molecule of life has been discovered by Petya Minkova, 168 hours newspaper
Large-scaled international research of the molecule of life is aimed at discovering a new generation of medicines to displace existing antibiotics.
The new ones will act as real biological machines, which will fight other biological machines – the bacteria. The target will comprise of all mutable bacteria, which cause mass diseases such as pneumonia, winter infections, urinary tract infections, gastric bacteria, provoking the occurrence of ulcers and even cancer of the stomach. Within the scope of these new medicines will be tuberculosis as well, which has been recently mutating to such an extent that there is hardly a treat against it.
In 2008 Bulgaria had its own supercomputer, which is so far used mainly by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences scientists in their projects and by specialists from the major Bulgarian universities.